Between being out in the garden, cooking and cleaning, I tend to get quite dry skin, so I thought I would make some solid lotion bars to help with this. I generally keep calendula and chamomile infused oil at different stages of infusion as it’s a mix that I find useful to have handy, but if you don’t have this then you’ll either have to be patient while you wait or purchase pre-infused oil. You can’t beat honey and herbs for healing and nourishing so if you would like to give them a try too, here is the recipe.

6 tbsp Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower and Calendula (Calendula officinallis) flower infused grapeseed oil.
½ Cup Beeswax
½ Cup Shea Butter (I also find mango and cocoa butter work well)
1.5 tsp Raw Honey
20-30 drops Essential Oil(s) of choice (Optional)
(For this batch I used Sandalwood, Clarey Sage, Neroli, and Rosemary essential oils).

NB: Make sure to check the safety guidelines around any essential oils that you use.

Make the infused oil, remembering that if you want 6 tbsp of finished oil you will need to make extra to start with.
In a double-boiler over a low heat, combine the infused oil, beeswax, and shea butter, stirring occasionally until completely melted. If you don’t have a double-boiler you can use heat proof glass jars in a saucepan of boiling water.
Once melted, remove from heat and stir in honey until it’s completely incorporated (if you don’t mix the honey in properly it may seperate once cooled).
Add the essential oils, if using, and stir to combine.
Pour mixture into silicon moulds.
The bars will harden as they cool.

If the honey in the bars seperate, or the bars are too soft, just gently remelt the mixture and add a bit more beeswax. Re-pour into the moulds.

I wrap my lotion bars in compostable baking paper and store them in a cool dark place for up to a year. I keep mine in the fridge in summer if they get a bit soft. 

To use, hold the bar on your skin (to soften) and rub on lovingly while whispering to your body about how much you appreciate it.

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