As I’ve traveled on my journey I’ve found that I’ve become quite the eclectic witch, which basically means I pick and choose from whatever I come across and only collect the wisdom that resonates with me.

When it comes to using magickal herbs it’s no different. While the herb info may help to guide you just set your intention and then trust your intuition to know what you actually need in that moment. Intent is your strongest tool.

I thought I would put together this super simple guide on how to get started with processing your herbs in preparation for your magickal practices. I have got plans to create more blogs around particular herbs in magickal practices, so keep a look out.

Burning herbs:
Please ensure that you have a safe, non-flammable area to burn your herbs. Never leave anything burning unattended. Ensure that you have adequate ventilation. You can also use charcoal discs to help burning herbs for longer periods.

Infusing herbs:
Steep the herb material in boiling water until the water is cool enough to safely use. Discard the plant material (preferably back into nature).

Making extracts:
Fill a small jar with the dried herb(s) of your choice and completely cover it with Apple Cider Vinegar. Put in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight and shake daily. After 5 weeks, strain out the plant material, discard (preferably back into nature), and store it in a cool dark cupboard.

Making tinctures:
Fill a small jar with the dried herb(s) of your choice and completely cover it with 80-120 proof alcohol (I prefer to use vodka). Put in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight and shake daily. After 2-4 weeks, strain out the plant material, discard (preferably back into nature), and store it in a cool dark cupboard.

Making anointing oils:
Fill a small jar with the dried herb(s) of your choice and completely cover it with an oil of your choice (I prefer to use olive oil or sweet almond oil). I like to put my oil somewhere it can be solar and lunar infused. After 4 - 6 weeks, strain out the plant material, discard (preferably back into nature), and store it in a cool dark cupboard. The oil generally won’t go off while the herb material is in it. Once you have strained the herb material out, store it in a cool dark cupboard.

I hope you found this simple guide helpful on your magical journey,
Helen x

If you ever want to use any herbs for smoking, skincare, or internal consumption please check with a qualified medical practitioner first. We have a high standard of care and hygiene practices with all our products, however, our products are processed as INTENDED FOR MAGICKAL USE ONLY

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