Kia ora, we are the Harris whanau and the ones who have taken our dreams and started turning them into a reality here at Khemeia Valley.

​Part of our journey of wanting to live a more sustainable and conscious life also includes us wanting to create a special place where others can come to relax, reconnect, and to be inspired.

​From living busy lives and feeling the stress of modern day life we began to feel disconnected from ourselves and we were always chasing the next thing no matter how much we achieved. As life does, it threw us quite a few 'wake up calls' and we knew something had to change.

​We have learnt that the more we reconnect with nature, the more we reclaim, remember, and reconnect with ourselves. And as we do that we start to listen to our intuition and are guided to live a much more fulfilling and abundant life.

​It gives us great pleasure to be able to begin this journey and have you join us on this adventure.

​We look forward to welcoming you to Khemeia Valley - Jarrod, Helen, Ezra & Tovah x

Contact us here if you would like to support our ngahere restoration: