Thanks so much for heading over to this page (even if you were just curious) about donating trees to our ngahere restoration project. As a family we have been purchasing as many trees as we can but it adds up rather quickly and the more support that we can get the better it is for the flora and fauna that we share our farm with. 

Over the last two years we have implemented a pest management plan alongside our replanting and the results have exceeded our expectations. We are seeing so much more new growth (the possums favourite parts) and the overall health of the trees has greatly improved. The bird song, that was almost non-existent when we first purchased the farm is now a beautiful morning wake up call which is a lovely contrast to the evening bed time call from the resident kiwis. 

If you would like to help us purchase more native trees we would love to hear from you, even amounts as little as $5 will help immensely ...every tree counts!

BUSINESS OWNERS: Boost your business sustainability efforts and support your community with a custom created Sustainable Corporate Package. One off or ongoing donations are all gratefully received. 

Contact us here if you would like to support our ngahere restoration: