Located in Hikurangi, New Zealand, Khemeia Valley stretches across 425 acres of magickal whenua. As the name implies, a beautiful valley meanders through its heart, casting a spell of wonder upon all who venture here. On landing at our new home we co-created with this sacred whenua and the name Khemeia Valley came forth and was anchored in.

Khemeia is the ancient Greek word for alchemy, and when you visit you cannot help but be enchanted by it's mystical essence and the alchemy within that it begins to unlock.

 Our philosophy and vision here at Khemeia Valley revolves around sustainability, our deep connection to the land, and the co-creation between all realms. We are committed to being a fully off-grid, eco-friendly farm and as we create our homemade natural products and retreat spaces, we are taking inspiration from the land itself and letting it guide us. As a family we are holding the space and doing the mahi to create alchemy between nature, our handcrafted products & produce, and the new retreat spaces so that they can be manifested into creation.

Alchemy awaits x

Contact us here if you would like to support our ngahere restoration: